
The work of building a developed society and civilization as well as the creation of community development go beyond securing human and financial resources. Significantly, great efforts, experience and expertise are essential requirements to make a quantum leap in achieving the greatest and more sophisticated paper.

There is no doubt that excellent education, provision of health care, creation of productive employment, focus on cultural care, and effective participation in society not only help build the foundation of community development, but also shape a brighter and a more promising future for the succeeding generations.

The state institutions and departments, existence of institutions and NGOs, all contribute to invest in the development process of community. Their primary responsibilities and support are essential especially in the rural areas where, as a result of neglect, service delivery is lacking thus hampering community productivity. Their very existence prevent rural communities to continue as captives of ignorance and backwardness, from being abandoned of chores to surge forward to productivity, and from being excluded in the circle of development plans.

So was born the association "Ahda" to the town of Shebaa. From the womb of suffering and neglect arose an inspiration to promote community development of Shebaa Farms by addressing its very weakness or its Achilles tendon; and that include exerting every effort to uphold development through all levels of educational, cultural, and socio-economic initiatives. It has also declared reaching out to all public and private institutions, volunteers and professional, to work for the advancement of our society, invest in rural development for a better tomorrow - one that is preserved to be enjoyed by next generations in order to live the good life of dignity.

Social Development


Development and
Cultural Advocacy

Environmental and
Agricultural Development

Our Mission

Cover various humanitarian needs in Lebanon and other countries

Our Values

As beacons light, we are guided with our work and in our commitment to achieve our mission without ethnic discrimination